Declaration for the Celebration of Civil Marriage

Today, the ………………………… at ………….., here in ……………..s Town Hall Registry office, the following named presented themselves in person to me, ………………….., town hall Registry Office director and Public Official by appointed delegation for the celebration of this wedding: ……………………………………,  born in ………………………………… on …………….and resident in ……………………………………………… and  ……………………………………,  born in ………………………………… on …………….and resident in ……………………………………………… who, in order to celebrate their matrimony appeared in front of the Town Hall Registrar in Venice Town Hall without the publication formalities from which they are exempt since they are foreign citizens who are not permanently or temporarily resident in Italy.

They Declare: 
That in terms of Article 87 points 1, 2 and 4 of the Italian Civil Code there is no hindrance to this matrimony through direct blood relationship, fraternity, adoption or affinity. They also declare that there is no further hindrance in terms of the Italian Civil Code’s Articles 85 (prohibition for mental illness), 86 (marriage bond), 88 (criminal offence) and 89 (a woman cannot marry within 300 days of the annulment or end of a previous marriage). 

The declarations made by the bride and groom are backed up by the following documentation:
As according to Article 116 of the Italian civil code, the “Nulla Osta” (which certifies that there is no legal impediment  to the said marriage) since the bride and groom are foreign citizens and issued by the ……………………………………………….………. in ………………………………….
Legal copies of their respective birth certificates.
The bride and groom have shown me their respective valid passports. 
The documentation provided together with my authorisation will be recorded in this Registrar’s Book. 

The bride and grooms’ request to be united in matrimony and their above declarations are being translated for me by …………………………, born in  ………………………… and resident in ……………… called upon me as my interpreter since the bride and groom do not know the Italian language. My interpreter is on oath to fulfil his/ her duties to the best of his/ her abilities.

After this document has been read and translated by my interpreter to all parties concerned, it will be underwritten and signed in my presence in the Registrar’s book.

Readings can be put here before the starting of the most important part of the ceremony/ non obligatory. 

Today, ………………… at ………………… in …………………s torn hall registry office. You are here present,  …………………………………. and you are here present  …………………………………… For Italian law requirements, I will proceed to read you Articles 143,144 and 147 of the Italian Civil Code: 
Article 143 – Reciprocal Rights and Duties of the married couple 
On marriage, husband and wife acquire the same rights and duties. Matrimony imposes the reciprocal obligation of fidelity; moral and material assistance; cooperation for the benefit and in the interest in the family’s well-being and life together. Both husband and wife must nurture to the best of their ability the needs and requirements of the family be it in their profession or in their household duties. 

Article 144: Way of living and Family Home
Husband and wife agree in how their family life should be conducted and on setting up the family home according to their respective requirements as well as according to the needs of the family itself. 

Article 147: Duties towards offspring
Matrimony imposes upon husband and wife the duty to maintain, instruct and educate their children in the full awareness and acknowledgement of their abilities, natural inclinations, talents and aspirations. 

Following this, I ask: Do you Mr. …………………………… wish to take Miss ……………………… as your lawful wedded wife?
And do you Miss ……………………………….. wish to take Mr. …………………… as your lawful wedded husband?

If requested bride and groom can exchange their own personal vows here


  Following your reciprocal affirmative replies, in the name of the Italian law, with the presence of your witnesses, I hereby declare …………………….. and  ………………………………. to be united in matrimony. You are now husband and wife. 

Exchange of rings with or without special vows or live music. 

Any other readings from friends/family could be said here.

Marriage Publication Act – Part I (This is a legal part and sometimes not everything will be read. For sure the part about the witnesses and the translator will be read.)

Today, the ………………………. at …………….., here in …………………..’s Town Hall Registry office, the following named presented themselves in person to me ………………. town hall Registry Office legal examiner and Public Official by appointed delegation for the celebration of this wedding: …………………………………,  born in ………………………………… on …………….and resident in ……………………………………………… and ……………………………………,  born in ………………………………… on …………….and resident in ……………………………………………… who asked me to unite them in matrimony thus presenting me with the documents listed below which, together with the confirmation of my having seen them, will be recorded in the Registrar’s Book.

Since the documentation provided confirms that there is no hindrance to the celebration of this marriage, I  read Articles 143, 144 and 147 of the Italian Civil Code to the bride and groom. I asked the groom if he intended to take the here present ……………………………….. as his lawful wedded wife, and the bride if she intended to take the here present ……………………….. as her lawful wedded husband. Both parties replied affirmatively in front of the two witnesses named below and following this, I declared them both united in matrimony. 

The ceremony was witnessed by the here present ……………………………………,  born in ………………………………… on …………….and resident in ……………………………………………… and ……………………………………,  born in ………………………………… on …………….and resident in ………………………………………………

The declarations made by the bride and groom are backed up by the following documentation: As according to Article 116 of the Italian civil code, the “Nulla Osta” (which certifies that there is no legal impediment  to the said marriage) since the bride and groom are foreign citizens and issued by the ………………………………………… in ……………………………………. 
The declarations made by the bride and groom on oath on the same day, as according Article 116 of the Italian civil code, substitute the Italian “Nulla Osta” (which certifies that there is no legal impediment  to the said marriage) since the bride and groom are foreign citizens.

The bride and groom have shown me their respective valid passports and legal copies of their respective birth certificates.

Since they are both foreign citizens who are not permanently or temporarily resident in Italy, they are exempt from the Registry Office Publication and notification requirements. I declare that the bride and grooms’ request to be united in matrimony, their declarations and affirmations as well as those of their witnesses, all of whom do not know the Italian language, were translated for me by ………………, born in ……………… on ……………… and resident in ………………, called upon by me as my interpreter.  She has translated the documentation and is on oath to fulfil his/her duties faithfully and to the best of his/her abilities.

Through the interpreter I read to the bride and groom the afore mentioned articles of the Italian Civil Code. I asked the bride and groom if they wanted to take each other as their lawfully wedded husband and wife and following their reciprocal affirmative replies, I declared them united in matrimony. After reading the above declaration to all present and following the translation of what has been said to the bride and groom and their witnesses, it will be underwritten and signed by all parties in the Registrar’s Book.

Sign of the register: Live music is POssible